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Deliveroo is closing operations in Hong Kong
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McDonald’s & McCafé | 麥當勞 & McCafé
🚚 80'S FRUITS - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (HKI)
🚚 甜蜜堂 Sweet Mall - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
Maison Kayser
肯德基 KFC | Halal-friendly
Blend & Grind
旺旺至尊燒鵝冰室 One One Roast Goose Restaurant
心滿意粥 Delight Congee
悅點居 Fresco Dim Sum
Winstons Coffee
誠記 Sing Kee
蛇竇茶記 Goof Off Cafe (堅尼地城店)
卓記粥粉麵小廚 Chek Kee Noodle and Congee Chicken
The Farm 農場
粥君好 Zhou Kwan Hao
SpiceBox Organics
潮順記粉麵茶餐廳 Chiu Shun Kee Restaurant
平福燒臘飯店 Ping Fuk Roasted Meat Restaurant
Hung Fook Tong 鴻福堂
Spicebox Organics Groceries
The Cofftea Shop
sen-ryo 千両
Taco Chaca
Dough Bros KT - Pizza & Doughnuts